Site Attributes
Site Area
= 86 Acres Gross
Leasable Area
= 950,000 sq ft
Large Format Retail
= 850,000 sq ft
The Landing
= 235,000 sq ft
Vehicle Access & Transportation
Located adjacent to Lewvan Dr., the Trans-Canada Highway & Gordon Road.
Easy all directional access to the site from Lewvan Drive & Gordon Road.

Location/Trade Area
Regina CMA
= 241,422
Market Information
- Over 14,000 residents live within 1 km radius of retail site
- Primary Trade Area: 10,000
- Secondary Trade Area: 250,000
- Average household income within Primary Trade Area is $127,000 +
- Average daily traffic count: 60,000
Retail Network
- Rochdale Crossing
- Normanview Crossing
- Northgate Mall
- Towers Mall
- Carling Corner
- Cornwall Centre
- Victoria Square Mall
- Golden Mile Mall
- Southland Mall
= Primary Trade Area (PTA)
= Secondary Trade Area (STA)
The Landing
Grasslands is an exciting and unique network of residential, office and retail uses designed to create a vibrant community that provides profitable opportunities for retailers.
Grasslands proudly supports many community based and charity organizations in our community. For more information on how Grasslands can help with your next event, email or submit a booking request online.

Open Spaces
Enhanced public spaces with programmed activities create increased frequency and duration of shopper visits.
Ample Parking
4,750 stalls discretely integrated into the shopping centre, creating safe, convenient parking for visitors.
Big Box Periphery
Traffic drawing from large format and midsize box anchors supporting The Landing and generating estimated sales in excess of $200 million and over 4.5 million customer visits annually.
Pedestrian Friendly
Integrated and synergistic pedestrian oriented retail, office and residential development.
Events and festivals attracting visitors regionally, further enhancing and supporting retail sales.
Grasslands proudly supports many community based and charity organizations in our community. If you wish to use The Landing as an event space for your group, contact us about the availability. Call 306.584.6457 or email to find out how Grasslands can help.
Leasing Inquiries?
Colin Peter
Director of Leasing
Harvard Developments
Phone: 403.268.6640
Send Message
Harvard Developments
2000-1874 Scarth Street
Regina, SK, Canada S4P 4B3
Phone: 306-584-6400
Fax: 306-584-6416
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